I'm telling you. Sticks are the greatest toys ever invented. They can be wands for a wizard, a sword for a knight... skies the limit.
But as Lil' Sis learned... you should never, never, NEVER leave your favorite stick (the one you are going to keep FOREVER) in the pile with the other sticks that are near the fire. The results are disastrous.

Hill we are.

Oh yea, and we saw Crater Lake. The visitor's center wasn't awesome, so the whole thing was... get out of the car and look, then back in the car and leave. As far as scenery goes, the view was not too bad.

My brother told the kids some great bedtime stories. There was the classic tale of Darth Whosa-whas-it and the Three Wookies, and the three little pigs who's houses got blown away by Yoda using the Force on them.
I can't wait until the next family reunion.
Good food. Good times. Good family.
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