I would stand there all wobbly at my parents feet and give two distinct tugs at their pants. They would look down to see two BIG BLUE eyes as wide as saucers (we're talking a puss in boots kind of moment) and a cute, chubby hand raised which in little BugGutz language translates to, "Can I has berry peeeze?"
Who could resist such cute'ness? Well, the story goes that they would give me one and turn back to washing the berries only to immediately get another tug on their pants and see my empty had raised again.
So today, we took the kids to a field to pick strawberries. Who is going to fill my shoes and be this generation's berry monger? Lets see. Here are the suspects:

Could it be The Brain? He does look an awful lot like a berry kind of guy. Just look at that reddish hair, and all those freckles.

Or maybe Mr. Fingers is dying to get his fingers on my berries. If it is him then it would only be natural that he and Lil Sis would be in on it together. Those two are joined at the hip.
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