Whats located right here in Albany Oregon???
Has an awesome waterside????
A current pool??
And lots of fun water stuffs???

No really, that's what it's called.
I didn't make it up.
It was our first time to go to this awesome local attraction. The boys had free passes that they earned from participating in the Library's summer reading program. And I only had to pay $2 to go as an "observer".
I spent most of my time "observing" The Snake. He probably would have been fine if I just found a nice lounge chair and read a book, but we had never been here before and I played the role of "helicopter mom"... I has a hovering maniac.
As you can see the Cool Pool was a big hit.
And the Snake LOVED the water slide. A nice lifeguard would catch him at the bottom and he would come racing down that thing with a smile a mile wide.
Here he is swimming to the ladder after his "wicked awesome" ride. -His words, not mine.
That whole thing was just my boy's speed. Just the right depths, just the right attractions, just the right amount of wet fun.
We will probably go back but next time... I'm going to do my research and figure out a day when the Boys and Girls club is NOT going to be there. I'm telling you... this lady yelled: "All Boys and Girls club members out of the pool. We're leaving." After the mass exodus we had the whole pool to ourselves. It was nice.
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