Yesterday was the BIG DAY!!! We have been waiting for this day and it FINALLY CAME!!!
When we were back to school shopping, I tried so hard to pick out some clothes that I thought were nice, but I'm a mom... what do I know about fashion these days???? (apparently not much). As far as shirts go, he was only interested in the ones that had "kids stuff" printed on them. That's why on the first day of school, my son is wearing a Bakugan shirt.... sheesh.

I think The Brain was disappointed at the end of the day when he hadn't learned any long division yet... I told him that, "First days are usually filled with a lot of house keeping kinds of things."

But, for breakfast we had birthday cake! (there was also fruit and sausage links mom). It was 'lil sis's birthday!! She turned 5 years old. I had this brilliant idea to make her a scooby-do cake with little scooby-do dolls on it. Well, I put a layer of marshmallow spread in between the two cake layers and.... we had a bit of a landslide.
Not to worry, Scooby and the Gang all stayed safe from harm. Even though it wasn't the best looking cake ever made, it still tasted great... that is the point, isn't it???? And she sure loved her Scooby toys, in addition to all of her other gifts.
Happy Birthday Girly!!!

As far as first days of school goes, that's one down. Lil Sis starts pre-school today. Big Bro. goes to private school and starts tomorrow. Finally, Mr. Fingers will start Kindergarten on Monday. Then, my college classes start on the 28th... can't we all just get our routine going already??? I'm getting antsy....
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