Mr. Fingers came up to me after dinner and said, "Mom, I made a game for us to play for family home evening."
Whoa! This is not normal. Usually the mere mention of the words family home evening bring much wailing and gnashing of teeth.
I hope all families are not like mine. Hopefully your family home evenings are lovely and delightful, with pleasant children who sit reverently on the couch and cheerfully participate in your well thought out and prepared lesson.
Honestly, I struggle sometimes and we have not been 100%. But our family goal this school year is to have family home evening every week! And to read scriptures together as a family every morning before school! So far, so good.
I was nervous at first about Mr. Fingers game, but it ended up being well put together, well thought out, and very much enjoyed. Best part is he came up with it all by himself, just for our little family home evening. (which is atypical behavior)
Here is the game board:

So the lego guy starts at the beginning of the track. Everyone takes turns rolling the dice and moving him through the lego course. Who ever is the one that gets him to the goal in the middle on their turn is the winner.

We all totally got into it.
It was way fun.
The winner got to pick the first cookie (refreshments). Which was actually quite a prize because The Brain made the cookies and lets just say.... they weren't all the same size.
And the winner was.........
The Snake
Here is the baker, no wait I mean NO-baker... since he did make no bake cookies. For the recipe we used click

The Brain's assignment for the refreshments was actually a double duty assignment since it fulfilled his Bear Cub-Scout requirement 9a... which was to make a batch of cookies.
We had a nice lesson about prophets. And worked on memorizing Article of Faith #9
Opening song: We Thank Thee Oh God For A Prophet
Closing song: Follow The Prophet
here to find out more about Family Home Evening.