It's Mr. Finger's Birthday!
He wanted an airplane cake. I think it turned out OK for something I threw together on the fly... get it? On the fly? hehehehe
He was higher than a kite when he opened his lego airplane present.
We went to Red Robin for dinner and THE RED ROBIN BIRD WAS THERE.
The poor mascot had to give me the signal to get the Snake to stop hugging him.

According to Mr. Fingers this is the greatest toy he has ever owned. I had to take it from him at bed time because he wouldn't sleep. It has been with him at every meal time since. It took a bath with him this morning. Basically, it hasn't really left his side since he put it together. And, putting it together was no small task. There were like... 50 steps, and a million little pieces. But he did it all by himself. What a good little directions follower.
Those 10 sticky fingers of his first debuted seven years ago yesterday.
Happy Birthday Mr. Fingers.