Put me in a room with two people: a "patient" (actor), and a test observer...
and ask me to preform 5 randomly selected basic nursing skills...
and my nerves all but get the better of me.
When I walked into the room I was shaking uncontrollably. My mind went blank. I think I stopped breathing.
My test administrator could not have been sweeter. Seriously, one of the nicest people I have ever met. From my adrenaline reaction though, you would think that she was about to murder me.
She sat me down and read the list of skills I was to preform.
I thought, "Please no bedpan, please no bed pan." (I don't know why, but of the 50 different skills that is the one that I hate the most... and it has a lot of detailed steps)
First skill I have to preform: Assist patient to use a bed pan and measure and record output.

So I knocked on the "patient's" door. Something special happened when I walked into the room. It is a gift that I have been given when it comes to stressful situations. My mind all of the sudden came into complete, clear, focus... and I preformed the skill flawlessly.
I magically remembered every step. I preformed my newly learned skill like a practiced, seasoned, professional.
I also had to: clean dentures, assist with lower extremity range of motion exercises, measure and record intake, and demonstrate proper hand washing.
It was one of the scariest things I have ever had to do.
But it was just another little indication that (I think) I am going to be a great nurse.
(hey... i get to pat myself on the back a little... THAT WAS HARD)