Wednesday, April 29, 2009
what does your master bedroom say about you?

The problem is that this is where I spend A LOT of time and it feels like a den. Definition of Den: a small cavernous hole that sucks you in, once in... you can not escape- that's a direct Websters quote.
One day I'll get the computer out into the family room, and then I won't feel so guilty for spending so much time on it.
So, for now: here's to The Den.
Bye Bye Baby Teeth

He may be a bit of a "late bloomer" but, The Brain's baby teeth are finally starting to come out. When the first one was really loose I convinced him to let me pull it out. Well, it must have hurt 'cause now he won't even let me in to wiggle them.
His first top one to come out was interesting though. He was so afraid that it would hurt if he pulled it out, that it got to the point where you could almost turn the whole thing around 360. It was just flapp'n in the breeze when he would talk. I think that it ended up just falling out of his head.
Loosing teeth is so much fun. I remember what it felt like to wiggle my loose teeth, and how exciting it was when they would fall out. This would explain why my son has his hands in his mouth all the time. Seems like they are just coming out one right after another.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Commando To Orlando

This may have been the only time I get to take the boys to Disney World so we did EVERYTHING! Needless to say we spent every ounce of energy we had to get through the week. I am just now... weeks later... feeling like my old self again. That vacation really wiped me out!
Three kids and one adult on an Airplane is not a very good idea. But thanks to a little from the Dramamine they were all knocked out for most of the trip. Problem: Fingers slept through a Pee Pee urge and wet himself. Luckily there wasn't room in our checked luggage for some of the kids pants so The Brain had some in his backpack. The bad part was there was no underwear with us so... Fingers went: COMMANDO TO ORLANDO.
We had so much fun, and did so much stuff, I'm going to give you a quick run down of the best and worsts from each day:
Friday, Universal Studios Day: Worst=waiting in line with Pooh-Paw for the Hulk ride for 3 hours. Best=The Snake met Barney and sang through his whole show... it was sweet.
Saturday, Typhoon Lagoon Day: Worst=the park closes at 5:00 and they had to kick us out 'cause we were having so much fun! Best= the wave pool... The Brain like the sensation of drowning and couldn't get enough of the waves. I stayed with in arms length of that daredevil while in the pool. -I am a big swimmer and have spent most of my summers in swimming pools. Never in my life have I seen a Lifeguard jump in the water to save someone, or even get wet at all... until this trip. And it was to save my son. It happened three times. Twice in the pool at my Parents Hotel, and once in ours. It is a miracle that kid is still alive.
Sunday, Epcot Day: Worst=OOOPs, the place where we went to dinner was a Princess dinner... see slide show below. Best=the Nemo ride. The Snake loved it sooooo much we just rode it again and again... Then grAnny took him back a couple days later and he did it again.
Monday, Animal Kingdom Day: Worst=Getting up at the crack of Dawn to get into the park while the animals were out so we could see them (but bonus, we saw hippos, giraffe's, lions, wilderbeasts, rhinos, elephants and more) Best=Expedition Everest. My new favorite roller coaster. The Brain loved it too and we got to be experts on how to work the "fast-pass" system and the "rider ticket" deal and we rode it three times. Also, the Nemo live show was awesome... and digging for Dino bones in the humongous sand pit was loved by all. Animal Kingdom rocks!
Tuesday, Magic Kingdom Day: Worst=grAnny lost her room key/park key/fast pass ticket thingy 2 times within 2 hours (it was kinda funny watching her get so mad). Best=Breakfast with Pooh. We talked that breakfast up for a month before the trip, and no one was let down. It was very special and magical. I was touch to tears and I hope The Snake will remember a little of it... see slide show below.
Wed, Disney Studios Day: Worst=The Tower of Terror scared Fingers and he had nightmares that night. Best=Honey I Shrunk the Kids playground. Big blades of grass, big ants and spiders, slides and more... the kids pretended they were bugs and played for hours.
Thursday we flew home. We were up at 4:30 that morning and I had to go through security with three kids, four pairs of shoes, four carry on backpacks, my id/tickets in hand/ and a 2 year old laying on the floor screaming. I was so tired and stressed from the experience that i wanted to lay down and cry too.
Old Walt was a good man, and we had a lot of fun out there in Florida. Now as they say, I need a vacation to recoup from my vacation.
The Long Tongue Club
Last night at dinner I decided to take charge of the conversation. Being the only adult at the table I felt it my duty to be responsible for the the dinner dialog. So, the five kids and I had a wonderful meal, and while eating, we decided to create the Long Tongue Club.
First we went around the table and each kid had to prove worthy for membership by sticking their tongue all the way down to their chin. Luckily, all six of us were eligible. Then, we decided on club names. The Brain is the President. I am the Queen. The Snake said he wanted to be the Pokemon. Lil Sis is the dinosaur. Big Brother is the General of our military troops. And Fingers is Transformers Master.
We then recited the Tongue Club Oath. Before we could do that though, we had to decide what the oath would be. My admissions were all apparently too complicated so we decided on: (this is said with your tong out) "I pledge allegiance to the Long Tong Club" (then the tongue is sucked back into your mouth).
Our first order of business was to plan something nice for our tongues. All of us said that our tongues like candy, so we decided that the Long Tongue Club should have an annual Halloween party. Next meeting: discuss fundraising ideas for our party.
Next on the agenda was to do our tongue exercises. We stuck out our tongues and practiced curling and un-curling them.
Finally we closed with the Long Tongue Club song: "We put our tongues in, We put our tongues out, We put our tongues in, And we shake them all about. We do the Hocky Pocky and we turn our tongues about. That's what, it's all about" (raspberry blow)
And that is what happens when I am responsible for the dinner conversation.
P.S. We are also planning on making T-shirts for all club members. In the club color, pink of course. :)-
First we went around the table and each kid had to prove worthy for membership by sticking their tongue all the way down to their chin. Luckily, all six of us were eligible. Then, we decided on club names. The Brain is the President. I am the Queen. The Snake said he wanted to be the Pokemon. Lil Sis is the dinosaur. Big Brother is the General of our military troops. And Fingers is Transformers Master.
We then recited the Tongue Club Oath. Before we could do that though, we had to decide what the oath would be. My admissions were all apparently too complicated so we decided on: (this is said with your tong out) "I pledge allegiance to the Long Tong Club" (then the tongue is sucked back into your mouth).
Our first order of business was to plan something nice for our tongues. All of us said that our tongues like candy, so we decided that the Long Tongue Club should have an annual Halloween party. Next meeting: discuss fundraising ideas for our party.
Next on the agenda was to do our tongue exercises. We stuck out our tongues and practiced curling and un-curling them.
Finally we closed with the Long Tongue Club song: "We put our tongues in, We put our tongues out, We put our tongues in, And we shake them all about. We do the Hocky Pocky and we turn our tongues about. That's what, it's all about" (raspberry blow)
And that is what happens when I am responsible for the dinner conversation.
P.S. We are also planning on making T-shirts for all club members. In the club color, pink of course. :)-
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Boys at a Princess Dinner
As is family tradition, the "Jakobsen's" (Jacobs) had to have dinner in their native land of Norway while at Epcot. Little did we know that we had just stepped into little boy hell....
The Snake actually told Cinderella to "GO AWAY." Those poor princesses have never faced so much rejection before in their lives.
The Snake actually told Cinderella to "GO AWAY." Those poor princesses have never faced so much rejection before in their lives.
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